Tuesday 3 March 2015

Shokola Melon Pan

Okay, here's an interesting one.  A Shokola (chocolate?) Melon pan, with the additional flavour of Macha.  That's green tea.  Macha and chocolate is a good mix as the chocolate sweetness counters the bitter flavour of the Macha nicely.

To be honest, this one had me the moment I saw that Macha bowl and mixing spoon on the package.

The outside seals the deal with a good combination, Macha Melon (sugary outside coating), With "Shokora" (Say it with a dodgy French accent ) and whip cream.

Taking it out of the pack, it is terribly green.  Yay.  All that food colouring no doubt!  Must say, despite it's um.  Hulk-like qualities, I am intrigued.

Turns out the Whip cream (using the term loosely) isn't quite whipped, or squirted in, but dropped in.  It'll make sense later on.

There we go.  It's been sliced and apparently there is a "Slice" of whipped cream in the middle. Like a slice of cheese.

Well overall, this wasn't a too bad little piece of Melon pan.  Luckily the Macha managed to pull it through, but I will say it was INCREDIBLY sweet.

Even sweeter than normal Melon pan.  Glad it's out of the way, probably not likely to go back there unless I am in desperate need for a sugar-coma.

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