Friday 6 March 2015

Curry Melon Pan

Man, I feel like I've been cranking a lot of melon pan lately.  It seems Japan loves it so much they'll put anything it.  Dayum.  I've had Curry pan before, which is like a sweet curry mix in a lightly deep fried (is there such a thing?) bread roll.  It's characterised by being um, "Prickly" looking and isn't as disgusting as it first sound.

Curry Melon Pan however.....

On the outside it has it's standard cookie-dough sugar armour on.  Nice colour I have to say.

Taking a bite, it takes a while to get to the curry part.

Turns out there is a small reservoir in the middle with a curry selection.

The curry is much the same as normal curry pan, kind of meaty flavoured with the annoying sweetness that seems to be attached to many Japanese foods.

Not entirely sure how I felt about this one to be honest.  I think I bought it as it was on special, I have to admit if presented with a selection of breads, I am less likely to choose Curry-pan over any other.

There is the inside.  As you can see, it's a big hole with not a lot of curry.  It was ok in the end.

Making Curry pan into Curry MELON Pan doesn't improve it a whole lot.

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