Tuesday 10 March 2015

Curry Udon Pan

Keeping in the Curry theme of things and life in general, here is Curry Udon pan.  Udon is a type of noodle.  Curry Udon is what you do with left over curry sauce and left over udon.  Does that mean Curry Udon pan is left over bread, left over curry and left over udon?

Ps, this was the one I got on special.

So, as a change of pace (of sorts) this isn't a Melon Pan.  What the hell?  Nice change, I don't think my liver minds at all.

 So there we have a standard Japanese bun, slightly glossy and very smooth.  Presentation is everything over here.

Not much to say, it smells sweet as it probably has a very light sugar glaze over it.

Inside again it has it's reservoir of flavour section with some udon noodles and curry sauce.

After you have a bite of two, you get to the middles and there is more filling in there than my previous curry pan adventure.  Oddly though the star of this bread, the Udon adds a strange texture to the inside.

Again, this was an Ok bread.  Good thing it was cheap.

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